Metabolites at the Host–Gut Microbiota Interface
The ensemble of small-molecule metabolites produced by the gut microbiome, collectively termed the metabolome, plays critical roles in regulating host immune responses. The identities of many bioactive metabolites and their effects on the host, however, have not been fully characterized. We are currently characterizing these metabolites, including which host receptors they engage and their physiological relevance in host defense in various inflammatory and infectious diseases.
Representative publications
Scott SA, Fu J, Chang PV. "Dopamine receptor D2 confers colonization resistance via microbial metabolites." Nature, 628, 180-185 (2024).
Scott SA, Fu J, Chang PV. "Microbial tryptophan metabolites regulate gut barrier function via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 117, 19376-19387 (2020).
Chang PV. "Chemical mechanisms of colonization resistance by the gut microbial metabolome." ACS Chem Biol, 15, 1119-1126 (2020). Special issue on Chemical Microbiology.
Nicolas GR and Chang PV. "Deciphering the chemical lexicon of host-gut microbiota interactions." Trends Pharmacol Sci, 40, 430-445 (2019). Featured on the cover.